New Start
Tomorrow start a new stage for the shop, we have our first workshop starting at 10.00am with the get to know your overlock.
It is a very exciting stage and one that has taken a lot of hard work, I've attached a few photos so you can see what we had to do.
We have also started to up load all the course online so you can secure your course at any time.
We are also adding to the list every week, just recently we added the tailoring course, beginners guide to patchwork and also in the pipeline is skit making. There I also talk about adding an alteration side to the shop... so watch this space.
We also asked a number of times what type of course people want to go on. So if you are reading this and have always wanted to learn something then get in touch. just put Learning in the subject!
Until the next time if you have any question then get in touch