For most people who use a sewing machine, this is an investment they cannot do without. It is, therefore, important that you properly maintain the machine. If anything, since the machine can only remain in service for as long as it is able to function.
With proper maintenance, you will be able to have a clean and long lasting machine. But what are the subtle reasons why servicing a sewing machine is important? Read about them below:
When the sewing machine is left uncovered, it tends to attract dust and other particles such as pet furs. When dust, furs, lint, and other materials find their way into the sewing machine, they can adversely affect the inner working mechanisms. An experience sewing machine maintenance expert should be able to help you keep your machine covered to prevent internal damage. Of course, they know where to get the best covers for your type of machine. Covering your sewing machine is key, especially if you stay for a long time without using the machine.
It is also important that you get into the habit of regularly cleaning your machine after every use. It is not recommended that you use a can of compressed air but a diminutive nylon brush to remove any debris. Don’t apply moisture during this procedure.
A sewing machine has a number of movable parts which brush against each other. If left without oiling, these parts begin to wear and tear because of friction. An experienced maintenance expert knows the type of oil to use when lubricating your machine. If you are unsure please get in contact with us.
Never try to use the same needle for all your sewing. This is advice that an experienced service provider will give freely. The type of needle you use depends on the fabric and thread. The major cause of needle breakage is using them for the wrong purpose. Watch out for broken needles are they can cause greater damage to the machine. That is why you should replace your needles after every four hours of continuous sewing.
No matter how much you carefully use the sewing machine, it is still possible to miss a few things. That is why you should call a professional to help you with the service once in a while. It should be someone who understands the mechanics of a sewing machine. After all, you have done your best to take care of the machine. Now allow the professionals to also do their work of checking for things you may have no knowledge they even exist.
When it is time to service your sewing machine, make sure you bring it to us at Sewing Direct. We will direct you to one of our sewing machine repair experts for the best service. One of the other things you should expect from us is impeccable customer service. We have professionally trained sewing machine repair experts to help you.