Discover an array of enticing offers from Bernina April Offers, conveniently curated on this page for easy access. Explore the exceptional deals awaiting you from Bernina this month. There is an excellent Bernina 735 offer, which has a saving of over £500.00 - there is also the offer for a ruffler foot, which for the dressmakers out there is a great foot and, at this price, a must. Then, as we move on to looking for a new Sewing and Embroidery machine, there is the YaYA Han B79 Edition, which is at a great discounted price; if you are looking for an Emboirdey only, then the b70 is a fantastic machine.
The first offer is the Bernina ruffler foot 86v
Bernina 735 Sewing Machine - Free BSR and Free walking foot
Bernette b79 Sewing and Embroidery Yaya Han Edition
Bernette 70 DECO Embroidery Machine
This month, explore fantastic offers on the Bernette overlocker range, spanning the complete range of Overlockers and coverstitch models to the innovative Air-fed combi machines. Don't miss out on these exceptional deals.